A strategic design studio.

Based out of Perth, Western Australia. We seek to challenge, redefine and reconstruct design norms, using a research lead approach and bespoke art direction. Operating to empower new and existing brands, we are bold, audacious and experimental. We value the collaborative nature of the work we do, and only employ considered and purposeful design solutions to elevate our clients. We are eager to ignite lasting social and cultural change through the projects we engage, meaning we are here to think a little differently. With lead designer Natasja Reicheld at the helm, we are masters of visualisation, narrative and tone, and we provide comprehensive end-to-end consultancy.

Studio Amitie is the agency child of Perth brand consultant, Natasja Reicheld. Since 2017, this agency has existed in varying capacities, and what we have learned is that this is okay (we've almost begun to appreciate it). At times, we scale up and collaborate on projects in education or health that really excite us. Big stupendous busy projects that keep us awake at night and energised in the morning. At other times, we scale down and focus on smaller pieces of consulting for new and local businesses that just need a gentle hand.

The Studio remains open to new business, and if we can't take on the body of work you require, we will team up, or refer you to one of the talented agencies in our network.